‘I do’, ‘Tis the Season.


I have been out of touch in the blogging world lately.

        What have I been doing? 

I have been meeting brides, training, running to class, and keeping up with homework.

          Life has been nothing short of, thrilling.


Learn, take notes, brain storm, apply, learn, take notes, brain storm, apply…

In the four years I have been in the hair industry, I have not learned and thrived in my skills as much as I have in the past three weeks. Being a professional hairstylist and makeup artist also means I am a forever student. I am working with an incredible team, Alison Harper&Co., and I am blessed to have years of experience just given to me. The techniques and esthetic I am learning would take years for me to learn on my own. After my first two classes with two incredibly talented artists, my styling technique soared in experience level. What a stellar feeling of spending hours in training, being able to process the new techniques, and turning around to a day later to apply the techniques. 

||I am saying ‘I do’ to this passion||

I believe some people work out of motivation for money, others work out of motivation for reputation, and some work out of motivation for a passion. I am thankful to be in a place in life where I can work out of a motivation for my passion. You know the moment bride looks in a mirror if that is the right style for her. How do I know this? I have seen the difference. When the right style, is the right style there is an indescribable sparkle in her eye. That is the sparkle that motivates me. There is a bigger picture to my passion, a sparkle I have yet to see but dream of seeing one day. It is the sparkle in another woman’s eye…a woman who has no idea how she will put food on the table for her children, a woman who may be selling herself to just keep surviving, a woman who could be a platform artist one day. I dream of the day I am able to take women in need to a place of shelter and offer them training & offer them the opportunity to earn money in a way they want to be earning money. Friends, I can honestly say I do not know where this desire came from except Christ. I have no idea how this desire will become a reality, apart from Christ. I am doing what I am doing because He has given me the desire and He is opening the doors. I am in continuous prayer for the future and where He is the leading me. My prayer, my cry is to glorify Christ through this skill and for this to only be a platform to lead others into a growing relationship with God. That’s the sparkle I am after.

So, what is next for me?

  I have a photo shoot coming up this weekend. &a makeup show in two weeks.

      I still have SO much to learn and cannot wait to share more of my journey.

               Stay tuned. &stay beautiful, friends.

landing on a lilly pad…or a big fat splash?


Every decision comes with a level of risk and sacrifice. As I grow as an adult, I continue to learn as I make one choice I give up another. Last year I spent much time in prayer around this time to come back home for my college years. I took a leap I knew God called me to take and He has used the decision to glorify himself through the transition back home. 

After much prayer and godly counsel, I took another leap today. Deep down in my heart I knew it was right, but knowing a decision is right makes the hard decision no less hard to speak. Today I decided to work for a freelance bridal company doing Bridal hair and makeup. This is one of my dream jobs. However, this also meant making a choice to leave a salon I love and people I love. The leap I made today is a perfect example of the life truth of ‘every decision comes with a level of risk and sacrifice.’ 

If you are reading this and are a past client of mine, thank you. Thank you for letting me serve you at The Retreat Salon & Spa. You are in good hands. Every stylist, nail technician, and massage therapist is talented and trustworthy of serving you. The Retreat Salon & Spa is a special place, enjoy it. 

The day I found Alison Harper & Co. I only dreamed of working with such a passionate, talented group of artists and now it is a reality. Reading the Alison Harper & Co. blog, I got chills. These ladies have created a company I only dreamed about. I am so privileged for such an opportunity as this. Go check it out, such a fantastic team. 

I will either land on this lilly pad or make a big fat splash in the pond and find my way to the next lilly pad, stay tuned to find out.

Stay beautiful, friends. 

Confident waiting or Delayed worship?


Today I will be nineteen years old and for awhile I have been dreading this birthday because I feel extremely old. I feel like the closer I get to twenty, the more pressure I have to figure out what the heck I am doing with my life…and that does not seem to be happening soon. I am waiting for the Lord to reveal his direction in my life and His purpose for the next few years; but that is not the way God operates, not according to my human wants or agendas. I am waiting to know what the Lord will use my degree for (am I in school for no reason?) I am waiting to know if the Lord is going to allow me to make a steady income through my job at the salon. I am waiting to know if the Lord will have me in Chester, VA for the next few years or open up an opportunity for me to live somewhere else. I am waiting for the Lord to reveal to me if I will be a wife and mother one day.

All of these aspects of life, I find myself waiting for, and there are probably a number of other details I am waiting for the Lord to reveal. But, through this waiting…will I be complacent in my faith? No. I choose to serve and worship the Lord while waiting. Perhaps you are waiting for the blessing of a child, a job opportunity, or a ministry opportunity.

Waiting is defined in the dictionary as a time of delay. Are you allowing your time of waiting in your relationship with the Lord to be a time of delay or a time of growth? Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord if we continue to actively serve and worship the Lord through the time of waiting. The Lord has you where He has you for reason. He is holy and worthy of all praise wherever you are in life.

Isaiah 40:31

but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings like eagles;

they shall run and not be weary;

they shall walk and not faint.

From the studying I have done on this passage, the usage of waiting in this scripture is in reference to the way servants await the orders from their master not in a modern usage of delay. And as we seek after God confidently, our lack of strength will be exchanged for the strength of the Lord. Also, there is a beautiful parallel here to 2 Corinthians 12:9.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

This verse is written to those who are waiting for Jehovah to make His strength perfect in their weakness. It is when we are most incapable that God is glorified all the more.

Let your time of waiting be a time of service and worship as you confidently exchange your weakness for the strength of Jehovah’s.

I’m officially nineteen, and I am confident that the Lord is going renew my weaknesses with His strength this year as I serve and worship my Creator!

I will worship when…


…when God acts according to my plan …when I receive blessings …when my life is fabulous

Last week my battery light came on in my car. Thinking oh, I will get it to the car place in a day or so is apparently the WRONG plan. On my way to school, my trusty car – the one that is supposed to last FOREVER, began to quite literally shut down. The window rolling up was like waiting for Christmas to come in July, the radio suddenly silenced itself, and I realized trouble was upon me. Thankful to have pulled into the parking lot as I watched my gas tank drop to empty and the car rolled into a parking space. I felt desperate, after watching my car just shut down…and I had no control over what would happen next.

This really put into perspective how little control I have over anything. The Lord is truly the giver and taker of all and I choose to worship every part of His character, particularly in this situation I was reminded of the sovereignty of the Lord’s character. As a believer, if I only choose to worship the Lord when life goes according to my plan then what am I truly worshipping…my blessings or my Savior?

And it all goes back to the truth that as Christ followers we are to be living lives centered around the Gospel. When our hearts are a reflection of the gospel, the things of this world will be pretty without significance because the Lord has conquered all. When our lives are lived to makes Jesus’ name known, our worship will be set on him and not on the things of this world.

Let’s make Jesus’ name known today, friends.

Through the inheritance.


Hey there

Life is crazy. Insane. And hard. 

Just when I think God has stretched me enough for awhile, there is just another opportunity for me to trust Him all the more. And this is honestly one of the attributes I so love about our Creator. He is always there, even in the smallest details, to reveal Himself to me, ultimately demonstrating His infinite power and glory. 

I have so many details to work out for my schooling in the fall and a couple years ago, I would have been flipping out because my plans are not all lining up but I know that my God will come through in this situation. I am praying with expectancy because my God is bigger than any financial aid package or class schedule. 

This is a simple thought and it is really nothing new or profound but for some reason God laid on my heart to write about this truth. Here are a few verses that I found encouraging in Ephesians 1:11-14 

“In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it.”

As a Christian, I know that the Holy Spirit is dwelling amongst me and is all powerful – what more encouragement do I need? 

Let’s live with enthusiasm and confidence through the inheritance that as Christians we have received. 

Embrace your beautiful life, today.

I’m not who I want to be, but I’m getting there.


I am not sure what I expected eighteen to be, I actually don’t think I expected much from this age. I really did not anticipate anything wonderful or anything awful. It was just another year. And today I am one day closer to nineteen than I was yesterday. The importance of my age really hit me over the past year while I was away at college. Eighteen is funny because you are old enough to be viewed as an adult, however, I have not met many eighteen year olds who can fully support themselves without the use of loans or credit cards. However, you are expected to be more than a teenager

Sometimes I tell myself, I still have two years until I am officially not a teenager anymore…..which makes me feel better about where I am.HA.Anyways, all of this rambling about the importance of age has lead me to my main thought for this post: This is a turning point in my life, I believe that the next 3-4 years of my life will determine so much of who I am in the future. 

I can choose to dwell in the past, deliver praise to my doubt, or delight in the hope that I have for the future. Each day can be seen as yet another day or as a day full of opportunity for me to embrace. I choose live like every day is full of opportunities because I believe the bad is just there for me to learn from in order to improve. 

An example of these principles which has been relevant to my life lately is my career (wow, did I really just say my career?!?! That’s what adults say!!) One of the reasons I chose to move back to my hometown was because I missed the salon where I knew I would grow and develop into the hairstylist I wanted to become. However, me wanting to be at The Retreat Salon & Spa is more than my desires as a human being. God has given me this great opportunity, and for awhile I took it for granted and did not realize what a blessing working for this business was for my future! (why did it have to take student loans for me to figure this out?!?!) 

After being here for a month this weekend, I have had exciting days and doubtful days. Nonetheless, I have left work each day learning something more than when I walked into work, and each day I have left knowing that I am closer to being the hairstylist I aspire to be. 

Like any other field, in order to be an expertise in your career it takes time, patience, education, and trust. I am absorbing information like a sponge right now and with each client I am able to squeeze out my absorption, but right around the corner is more information and more experience. This is why I love what I do. I am called to wake up each day to bring God glory, and I will trust that He will provide monetarily – in the meantime I becoming one of the best hairstylist through His provisions and the mentors He has brought into my life.

I believe there is a clear line between joy in circumstance and joy through circumstances, which goes deeper than any happiness ever could.

Wow, sorry for all the words. Have A great weekend, enjoy the beautiful weather and come get a pedicure!

The Lord is majestic, in all of His ways.


Last Tuesday evening I was blessed with the opportunity to spend time with a group of believers from a church in Richmond that I have been visiting. This was my first time meeting with this group, and I knew before going that the discussion is usually facilitated by the sermon from the past Sunday. But, I did not go to the church on Sunday so I did not know if I would be lost in the discussion or not. This particular night, however, the leaders decided that as a group of believers we would spend time in prayer for those in our lives that do not know the Lord. 

Worthy to take a side note at this point is that fact of how the Holy Spirit unifies believers. I love that I can meet with believers who I have never met and be one in the Spirit to join in prayer. What a majestic Lord I serve! 

Do you ever feel like you have to use the restroom urgently at the most inconvenient times? I do! Driving home from Richmond, I end up stopping to use the bathroom at McDonalds. Usually, I try really hard just to wait until I get home. But I knew I probably would not make it this time. 

After spending time in prayer with the Lord for those in my life that do not know the Lord and praying for the Lord to bring opportunities my way to share of His power, love, mercy, grace, and redemption with others I embarked upon a matching opportunity.

Running into the McDonalds as quickly as possible without looking like a crazy person, I share a quick glance and smile with a lady sitting on the bench. Then the Holy Spirit convicts my heart to take time to talk to her, and I did not know what to say or what conversation to make without seeming like I was prying into her life. Finally after a few moments of small talk, I just asked if there was anything I could pray for her about. There it came, the reason I was at McDonalds became very clear, she and her family are in desperate need of hope only the Savior of mankind can bring. I have been praying for this lady all week and plan to go visit her again since she frequents the area often. I hope to build a relationship with her and find more about where she is spiritually, and be obedient as God continues to open doors. For those of you friends that are faithful in prayer, please pray for the lady’s family&finances and that as the Holy Spirit works in her life she will respond. Please pray that as I seek to take this relationship further that I will be able to discern the Lord’s wisdom and only let the Holy Spirit work through me. 

Being obedient and making a difference for eternity is what makes this life worth it. I for sure don’t do it perfect, but am encouraged by God’s faithfulness and hope you are too. Take time to talk, not just smile at a stranger.

Summer blues


Walking into a new group of people for the first time since being home from school apparently welcomes the question, “How was school?” “Did you like Liberty?” “What are your studying?”. Then comes my response “I had a great year at Liberty but I am actually transferring back home.” The audience’s face changes “Oh, did you not like Liberty?” “What are your reasons for that decision?”

I knew upon returning these questions would be asked and I would be expected to give an elaborate, intelligent reason for me not returning to Liberty. But it is exhausting, therefore, I have stopped adding in the part that I am starting school at home because people will never understand the decisions I make, and that is fine. I also find it amusing when people look down on me for being a “hairdresser”; and people assume I “quit” school to be a “hairdresser” – as if that life plan will never lead me into having a successful life. When in fact this opportunity will allow for me to pay off school debt, be an avenue for me to support myself while in school, and give me experience in my degree field.

I have realized in the past month how desperate we are as humans to have a plan. Even if the plan is not what God has placed on out heart, we cling to “the plan”. And honestly, I am done explaining, I’m done giving out details of my life that I do not even know the facts to yet. If someone wants to know my 10 year plan here it is, I plan to be serving Jesus and not still living in my mom’s house. That’s about the extent of my planning. There are numerous things I would love to do in life: fall in love; visit greece, Italy, France, Jerusalem, China, Africa, India, Spain, Ireland, Scotland, all 50 of the U.S. states; help women who cannot help themselves – help them dream and find avenues to achieve those dreams; be a hair and makeup artist for a film; own a hair studio in New York City, earn a college degree and have a salary paying job, and raise children to love the Lord and further His Kingdom. Will any of those things ever happen? They can, I can give it my all and work really hard at my goals. But at the end of the day, God is the giver and taker of all opportunities. The Bible says that the Lord will work everything out for His good for those that are seeking the Lord; and with that I trust the Lord. 

The past few weeks I have found myself anxious for the future plans that I should be making, but I’m letting go of my plans. If I trust the Creator with my eternal destiny, then why should I cling to my own plans while I spend a few short years here on earth. Eternity matters, are we living like it?

Thus, I’m getting rid of my summer blues. 

In my next post I will share a story of an opportunity the Lord brought my way and how He changed my heart through it. 

Solemn Peace.


The weather lately has been absolutely perfect and puts my heart at peace. It matches exactly how I have been feeling. The clouds hovering the sky are the same clouds hovering my heart for the unknown future I will embark when leaving Liberty University tomorrow. But the light shining through is the peace that I know because I trust God will work everything out for His good. And the slight wind is the joy that overcomes the heaviness that I feel in my heart. It has been heart wrenching to say goodbye to people that I have lived with and worked so closely with over the past several months.

On this part of my journey I am learning to appreciate the season that I have in people’s lives and the season they have in mine, and letting go when it is time to let go. I am eighteen years old and I have the rest of my life ahead of me, and for this I am excited. I want to see the whole world, and not live in one place for too long. I want to experience different cultures, meet as many people as possible, and be used by God to make a difference in their life – even if it is for a short while. 

I don’t know where my destination is in this life but I do know what I am called to do on my way there and that is to love Jesus Christ with my heart, soul, and mind. God has done an incredible work in my life this year and I want to be intentional about each year, each month, each week, each day, each hour, each minute, and second that I am living. 

In the midst of all of these thoughts, I am left sad and joyful. I am sad for the past that I will never again live, but yet joyful for the people God has brought, the lessons he has taught, and the His provision through it all. 

The journey may be hard at times,

but go out there and live a beautiful life today, friends.


The silence beckons me to keep working, yet the noise inside my mind poses a contradiction.

The end of the semester has come, yet there are a multitude of points to earn. the end of the semester has come, yet there are people I do not want to tell goodbye. I have thoughts racing through my mind, yet I still must focus on one task at a time. Time is not stopping, yet I will spend 30.5 of my hours working this next week. And my body will not have energy for it all apart from rest, when will rest come? And the days, hours, minutes in my head do not match what I see on the calendar. Nonetheless, it all must and will be done come the eighth day of May.

Come May the eighth, I will no longer live in dorm eleven nor will I rest my head in room 104. This all seems surreal, and I thought a different feeling would come with the completion of my freshman year. Perhaps, I expected to feel accomplished, but I do not. Perhaps, I thought I would have plans for the next three year of my life, but I do not. I find no anxiety in the vague future that awaits me.

Each time God stretches my trust for Him, I grow closer to Him. I know He is doing something in my life and preparing me for what He has set in place for the future. I am on a journey, God will bring people in and out of my life for a reason for that season of my life. My heart longs to hold onto these people, the conversation, and the joy I find within each one but the Lord calls me let go. He is the only friendship that I need, the only steadfast love that I will ever know. Through leaving this season of my life, I am falling even more in love with God and in that my heart finds the rest it is yearning for.

I have no plans for the future except to know that I want to find out where the Spirit of God is working wherever I am and join God in His work.

Through it all, I will trust.